CNC Milled Sample Foam Cut

Hey, I'm back!
I'll start off with a refresher.

I worked alongside Emily to create a sample project for the computer numeric controlled machine. 
We chose a design that would be cut twice to work around the machines capabilities (6x4x1)

Now we have the potential to replicate empire state from a bronze mold with the dimensions 6x4x2
Symmetry aided the modelling process greatly.

We ran into a few issues with the cut however. 
1. Where did the centre cut go? I think the machine ignored directions but for good reason. The width of the drill body was thicker than our model. Any attempt at cutting that centre line requires a thinner bit.
2. The cutting boundary was too close to the model. Now theres a chip missing from the bottom righthand corner. Less noticeable is the lightning rod at the top which was also cleared away. Possible fixes -> changing the machining boundary from silhouette.

